Mahratta Education
Fund founded in the year 1912. In the year
1913, there were 129 members and 3 scholarship holders.
Now there are 400 Patrons and more than 1006 Life Members,
150 Scholarships have been awarded this year. The assets
of the fund have increased from Rs.537/- to several
folds. The main reason for the increase in the number
of scholarships is because of the increase in the number
of endowments made by philanthropic members, to perpetuate
the memory of their elders. The endowments are kept
intact as fixed deposits and the interest earned is
distributed as scholarships. Further, the Fund has a
building of its own due to the efforts and far sightedness
of the founder Shri. E. Vinayaka Rao and past office
bearers. The building was constructed in the year 1938.
Subsequently, various improvements have been made; additional
blocks have been constructed from time to time. In the
2006 a major renovation was carried out. The present
building has Function Hall with a seating capacity of
about 250 in Ground Floor. First Floor dining hall with
a seating capacity of about 90-100. There are
7 Rooms with attached toilets, fitted with Geysers.
Some of the rooms are fitted with AC. Now our MEF premises
is one of the reasonably priced, centrally located with
ample parking facility venue. We are happy to inform
that the occupation rate is high and earning good returns.
This was possible only because of the co-operation and
financial assistance rendered by way of interest free
loans etc., by members. The MEF
will be in a position to clear all the loans in a year
or two. This phenomenal growth is to a large extent
due to the strong foundation laid by the founders and
untiring and selfless services of the successive office
bearers of the Fund. An additional facility offered
to the students of the community residing in Chennai,
is the starting of a Book Bank in 1979, with books and
reference material in Science, commerce, engineering
and Medicine.